Episode Details six

Powering Innovation Through New Tools & Roles, Mindset & Open Innovation

Corinne Emonet
Nestlé Global Head of R&D Innovation Acceleration

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Episode Description

Nestlé has been a global trailblazer in food innovation, continuously pushing boundaries to redefine consumer experiences and set new benchmarks within the FMCG sector. Discover the innovation behind the thousands of Nestlé products and how Nestlé stays ahead of the game by consistently delivering innovative solutions in this rapidly changing world.

Join Corinne Emonet, the Global Head of R&D Innovation Acceleration, with Madleen Saboundjian, the Head of R&D Learning and Development, and Andrea Latino, a Growth Hacker as they talk about how innovation is developed globally, and the right mindset is the key to growth and making an impact at Nestlé R&D. ​

With 25 years of FMCG experience, Corinne has a passion for bridging the gap between science and consumer needs. As the Global Head of R&D Innovation Acceleration, she works with her team to identify the next major innovation and business opportunity for Nestlé across all product categories. This involves considering various factors like the business model, distribution channels, branding, product placement, positioning, format, and added values that will appeal to customers and partners.

Disclaimer: The contents of this podcast were produced in 2023 and accurately reflect the environment at that time. The information, opinions, and discussions presented in this podcast are based on the circumstances and knowledge available during the recording.

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